There is no Drop in available during Spring Break March 17th -30th.

Ages 0-5 years old
Monday - Friday @Ocean Side Location
12:00 - 12:55pm
Drop-In Cost:
Pricing is $7.00+GST ($7.35) per participant/per 55 minute Drop in.
Online registration is required in advance. Space is limited.
Payment is required at the time of registration.
Infants who are in a car seat or carrier will be exempt.
We will provide instructors to supervise all Drop in participants to ensure the safety of the participants and the facilities equipment is being used properly.
No instruction or structure will be provided.
A parent/guardian is required to supervise children age 3 and under, or for those participants who required an aide to safely participate.
Registered participants only.
No refunds or credits are given unless for medical reasons in which a doctor’s note must be provided.
$55 GBC annual insurance is required. It is non-refundable, and valid Sept 1, 2024 – Aug 31, 2025.
We accept online payments from Visa, MasterCard, Visa Debit at the time of registration. No other forms of payment will be accepted.

Drop-In Cost:
Pricing is $7.00+GST ($7.35) per participant/per 55 minute Drop in.
Online registration is required in advance. Space is limited.
Payment is required at the time of registration.
Registered participants only.
No refunds or credits are given unless for medical reasons in which a doctor’s note must be provided.
$55 GBC annual insurance is required. It is non-refundable, and valid Sept 1, 2024 – Aug 31, 2025.
We accept online payments from Visa, MasterCard, Visa Debit at the time of registration. No other forms of payment will be accepted.

Ages 6-12 years old
Select Wednesdays @Ocean Side Location
1:15 - 2:10pm
Ages 6-25 years old
Fridays @Ocean Side Location
7:30 - 8:25pm
Drop-In Cost:
Pricing is $7.00+GST ($7.35) per participant/per 55 minute Drop in.
Online registration is required in advance. Space is limited.
Payment is required at the time of registration.
No refunds or credits are given unless for medical reasons in which a doctor’s note must be provided.
$55 GBC annual insurance is required. It is non-refundable, and valid Sept 1, 2024 – Aug 31, 2025.
We accept online payments from Visa, MasterCard, Visa Debit at the time of registration. No other forms of payment will be accepted.
There is no Drop in available on Statutory Holidays, over the Holiday Breaks and Spring Break.
We will provide instructors to supervise all Drop in participants to ensure the safety of the participants and the facilities equipment is being used properly. No instruction or structure will be provided.
Registered participants only. Parent viewing inside the facility.
The use of trampolines is limited to the one-time user groups such
as Drop in participants (No adults).